About me
I work with teens, individuals, and couples towards a more peaceful life. I can assist with anxiety, depression, and relationship stress by providing a safe environment and the use of techniques and strategies for positive emotional health. Neurodivergent affirming and inclusive.

Counselling & Reiki
Counselling and Reiki At Zest Psychology, Birkdale click here to book Mon/Wed/Fri.
Counselling and Reiki At Skills4Life Psychology, click here to book Ormiston, Tuesday and Thursday.
I acknowledge the Quandamooka People, traditional owners of the land, water, and skies where I work, live, and play. I pass my respect to the traditional custodians of this country and its leaders present, past and emerging.
Opening Hours
Skills4Life, Delancey St, Ormiston
Tues: 8.00 am – 4.00 pm
Thurs: 1 – 6.00 pm
Zest Psychology, Birkdale
Mon: 1.00 – 6.00 pm
Wed: 8.00 am – 1.00 pm
Fri: 8.00 am – 1.00 pm
BayFM Radio – Searchlight Rainbow conversations
I am so grateful when I get a call to come in and chat on radio with these two amazing humans Tony Tranter and Jasper Manfield. They do so much good work educating the community and engaging support for the rainbow community as well as interviewing special guests, researching facts and they allow me to […]
Podcasts with Nutritionists Katie King and Jessica Cheney
Guest Podcasts – The Balanced Wrap – with Nutritionist Katie King and Jessica Cheney June 13, 2018 – Mental health -strategies for life and health – Podcast November 21, 2018 – Emotional Eating – Podcast
Spirituality on the Rise in a Post-Pandemic world!
While divination and mystical arts may all sound a bit Harry Potterish, one Brisbane business owner has discovered these additional services added to holistic counselling have been a surprising source of income in a challenging year for small businesses. Australia now has many people who call themselves spiritual but not religious, and according to the […]
I’m not angry anymore
They say after the dust settles you often find perspective, the pain eases with time. Apparently, people have trouble remembering the physical pain of trauma after it has passed, like childbirth, abuse, or injury because the body goes into shock, shutting down and the brain tries to help us by forgetting. I remember and feel […]
Unexpected item in the bagging area
Let me begin by stating I have never lost my temper in a shop before, nor have I shoplifted. But last week some shit went down at the self-serve counter, and I’d like to officially apologise to David for raining it down on him. I fit my counselling work around my study and teenagers, many […]
Clues and Shoes
A few weeks ago, my youngest daughter and I decided to skip over to Stradbroke Island for the day. Although we live close by, it’s not a common event for us as my eldest has claimed Straddie as her spiritual home and she never really wants us tagging along. On a day when the conditions […]
Rainbow conversations – LGBTIQ+ radio show
One of my 2020 goals was to do a radio course with my local public radio BayFM. Unfortunately due to the year being hijacked by Covid 19, this didn’t happen. My highlight was being invited to speak on this station about mental health in the lead up to Christmas and especially its impact on the […]