Entries by Rachel Wilkinson

Anxiety – how to put it back in its box.

Anxiety is a friend of mine. It’s taken me some years, but now I know some ways of backing her off, calming her down and gaining control of my body. It has taken many years and many lessons and just when I think I have taken control back, she comes again. I now understand that […]

Be your own cheerleader!

Last night there was a monumental event in our home. My daughter, ate something she had never tried before. This might be a regular event at your place, or you may also have the challenge of a fussy eater who balks at the sight of anything squishy, green or jiggly. I understand completely, I have […]

I am an acorn seller

My daughter has recently discovered the word tempting. A week after Easter, when she had happily chowed down on a multitude of Easter eggs she found mine in the fridge perfectly whole, golden and shining. She wanted it. I asked her why. She said “It’s tempting”. So I told her just because it’s tempting doesn’t […]

Hormones – 6 ways massage can keep you calm

Hormones can be a wonderful thing and a terror. On one hand they signify the arrival of a new phase in life, where the body transitions into something new, and on the other hand the screaming, crying, throwing things part can be a bit terrifying. I now pity my mother who went through menopause with […]

The holding place

I’ve spent a lot of my life going through change. Before I turned 27, I had traipsed through some nine towns and cities in Australia. I’d worked in London, studied in Central America and volunteered in Africa. Last count I had packed up and moved to and from 27 homes and held 16 jobs, including […]

Tantyville on Jacob

I’m sprinting up the street chasing my child, who is running away from home. I have bare feet, no bra on and I’m wearing my PJs. This outfit is so far from active wear. It’s inactive wear, lying on the lounge wear, not sprint wear.  The shorts have teal lace around the cuffs and matching […]

What is Reiki and how woo-woo is it?

Reiki (pronounced Ray-key)  is a method of healing which works by balancing the body’s energy system. It originated in Japan and was taken back to the wider world by an American woman who was trained in the 1930s. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means Wisdom or Higher Power […]

5 Reasons to be at One with Nature!

Last year I joined a gym. I like it because it means I can exercise when it is beastly hot or raining.  The added bonus in Brisbane is, I always have air con. I don’t like the view which is over a pretty big four way intersection. This morning while on the treadmill I counted […]

On the move!

I’m packing up and starting the new year at Step into Health at Mansfield. You can find me along with some other talented therapists at: 1/69 Secam Street, Mansfield. From Tuesday 16 January, 2018 Only two minutes drive from Westfield Carindale. See you there!

Appy New Year!

I’m not one for resolutions. For two reasons, one, I don’t like rules, I don’t like living within a strict code and secondly I’m old enough to know any ideas I have of not eating cake, or vowing to exercise more will be short lived. So I’ve not set any New Years’ Resolutions for many […]