I have not written any blogs for a while as I’ve been doing all sorts of things. So here’ s a summary, a blog binge, a blinge if you may. A brief overview of what’s been happening with Rachel Wilkinson Counselling now trading as Wello Well.

What happened in 2019?

  • Reiki Masters – I completed my Reiki Masters training. I can now initiate Reiki 1, Reiki II and Masters teaching level. Please let me know if any of these appeal to you or friends.
  • Yoga for Kids – I completed my Yoga Kids Instructors course – enabling me to teach yoga to Kids, families at schools, day care centres, vacation care etc. Let me know if this is something you are interested in. I’m looking into venues now for an 8 week after school program.
  • NDIS counselling – I am an NDIS approved counsellor which means I provide Individual counselling under the Improved daily living provision. This can be a mobile or offered in my clinic.
  • Young Mums Connect – Together with Redlands Centre for Women and The Benevolent Society,  I help facilitate a first-time mums’ group for young women aged 16 – 25. These weekly sessions come with a clinical health nurse, parenting and mental health support. Contact me for more details or go to https://www.redlandscentreforwomen.com/social-connection-groups/young-parents-connect/

How does 2020 look?

  • Teen workshops – I’m going to be delivering workshops targeting bravery and courage for teens. These will run in the Redlands with the goal of empowering young women and providing resources to tap into for peace, calm and centring. There will be some yoga poses thrown in for extra support.
  • Counselling for young adults from 11 years+ – Specialised sessions with parents then tailored sessions to work with the child. Specialising in anxiety, panic attacks, family relationships and friendships.
  • Employee Assist Programs (EAP) – I will be offering face to face and phone counselling for companies wanting to support and enhance their team’s wellness.
  • Intuitive Reiki sessions up to 90 minutes – I invite you to experience rest, connection with guides, messages from your soul and deep healing.
  • Radio Work – I’m finally going to realise a dream to complete a DJ course with local radio. If nothing, I can learn to harness my voice, work on projection, enunciation and lulling people to sleep.
  • Product – I will be stocking a few trusted items which I use regularly myself and love. I have salt lamps, protective crystals, magnesium spray for aches and pains, magnesium powder for energy and sleep as well as customised aromatherapy blends to roll on. Collaborating with a wonderful aromatherapist I am stocking Teen Spirit, (for anxiety and calm) Sweet Sleep and Goddess Blend (This is actually cranky hormonal bitch blend, but the name doesn’t fit on the label).
  • Parenting course – Currently undergoing an 8-week circle of security parenting course delivered by the Benevolent Society. According to my children, I now need to find a cooking course, baking course and how to be less embarrassing course.

Rachel Wilkinson is a counsellor, working with individuals, families, teens, government, community groups and corporations to help them sort their sh!t out.

E: info@rachelwilkinson.com.au M: 0402 329 259